This video is was well directed. Every part of the video showed an emotions from both Teyana and the Guy. Her voice is very authentic, you don't hear many artist that sound like her. She has so much soul in her voice. I can hear and see in the video that she felt every note that she sang. I felt like I was watching a short skit. I love the end where she just lets out everything she was feeling. I like it so much because that's what happens in real life. Love it...On Point
Dondria did a wonderful job at singing Beyonce's song 1+1. She also has the ability to express so much emotion in her voice. Some people could from her.
Love it...on point
I really enjoyed watch the video. The video of course is about a guy who is really into this girl. The thing that I loved most about it was that every female Lupe walked pass or talked to he saw the girl. Which is too cute, and at the end he tells her about all the crazy stuff that happened to him but his day was still good because he kept seeing her.
Last but not least Lupe Fiasco and Trey Songz looked extremely SEXII...They are both are REALLY good looking. HOTT ;-)
Everyone knows I had to write about this video of course because its DRAKE, but seriously, the video is wonderful. If you read my blog about the song it self, I said I love how he pulls you into the moment with him so you can feel where he is coming from. His video also did that for me. There isn't too much going on but I really felt the pain that Drake was going though. It also make me feel bad for me, maybe I'm thinking to much into it but when i watch videos that is what i look for. To feel the emotions that the person is feeling in the video.
It also made me wonder if men really deal with their problems like that. I mean i hear of men doing it, but just to see it, was a little surprising.
Drake has the ability to put so much emotion in his video's and I love it.
This video is well detailed and I love it. You can really feel them in the part, and if you don't already know feeling what the video is about is very important to me. I feel like the setting and the story line was perfect. I never though about what Justin and Chris would sound like together but they blew me away. They both are truly talented. My favorite part is after the girl gets hit by the car Chris risked his life to save her. I know that's what the song is saying, but the way it was captured was great. Loved it
Rihanna’s music video “Man Down” has become a well talked about topic since yesterday. The video starts where Rihanna shoots a guy in the back of the head in front of a lot of people. Then the video rewinds to the day before where Rihanna is walking around Jamaica happy talking to people. Later that night Rihanna goes to a dancehall party where she is dancing and having fun. A guy wants to dance with her so she dances with him. When he begins touching her, making her feel uncomfortable she pushes him off. A little later Rihanna leaves the party. The guy is still angry Rihanna turned him down, so he asked where she went and a guy pointed in her direction. That’s when he followers Rihanna, holds her down in, what it seems to be an alley, and rapes her. She tries to scream but he puts his hands over Rihanna’s mouth. After he leaves her there Rihanna runs home crying and looks for her gun. The last shot in the video is when she was holding the gun in her hand.
First off I thought the video was going to be about her breaking someone heart badly. I would have never imaged it being about a rape story.
I have heard that people are shooting against this video, but to be honest I think it has a meaningful storyline. Many young and even older women are being raped every day and no one knows about it. I’m glad that someone like Rihanna took the time to make the situation known again. We always talk about rape for a small period of time then it gets pushed to the side like it’s not important, and it’s probably one of the most important topics.
I don’t promote violence nor to do I believe in it, but when a women or someone is put in a certain predicament they don’t think they just act. Rihanna isn’t telling people that if you get raped you should kill the individual who did it. She is saying if someone hurts you always think logically before reacting. Think about what the effects of your acts would be. The girl in my opinion was trying to hurt the guy as much as he hurt her, but in actuality she hurt herself even more. If you pay attention to the words everyone will understand what I’m talking about.
I really respect Rihanna for doing a video like this. She is a wonderful person with a good heart.